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Our Year Groups

Welcome to Year 1



This term we are focussing our literacy learning on books about adventure and exploration. Our key texts are: 


We will be developing our story writing skills and continue to learn about ways to enhance our writing abilities, such as using varied adjectives and punctuation.  



This term in maths we will be looking at place value within 50. The children will be applying their knowledge from last term to help them count between 20 and 50. They will also be looking at length and height and how to measure in cm's using a ruler as well as measuring with non-standard units. Lastly, they will be introduced to mass and volume for the first time and develop their understanding of whether something is heavy or light.


In foundation lessons this term, we are looking at the topic 'Explorers'. In history, we will be learning about the explorers Ibn Battuta and David Livingstone. In science, we will be learning about animals, including humans. We will be learning about money and work (some adults may be glad to see) for our RHE lessons. The aim here is to help our children to appreciate the value of money and the value of work. For RE, we will be looking at Christianity, where we will be leading up to Easter. In art, we will be producing some 'masterpieces' for display. If there is any home learning that you would like to do based on our topics, we will be happy to share that with the rest of the class.  


What can you do at home? 

- Weekly spellings will be set on Spelling Shed each Friday and the spelling test will be on the following Friday. Please find the termly spelling attached at the bottom of this page. 

- Children to log into Numbots and aim to complete 20 minutes per week. 

- All children have been sent home with a book bag and reading journal. Please read with them daily. 

Here are some free resources called 'Letters and Sounds for home and school".  A guidance film for parents to explain the basics of Phonics and how parents can support their child is below and a full letter explaining use of the resource is attached at the bottom of this page.


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There are lots of resources to be accessed through LGFL My USO, such as Busy Things and Spelling Shed.

EdShed Web Game - Spelling Shed and MathShed


Here are some other useful links below for educational games, sites and activities:



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