Secondary School Information
Year 6 Transition to Secondary School
There are some free workshops run by Southwark Children's Wellbeing Practitioner
Service and the NHS for parents and Year 6 children. For further information please
follow the links:
For Parents:
For Year 6 Pupils:
Information on two taster Days for JAGs for Year 6 pupils:
Firstly, on Tuesday, 11 October, from 4.30 – 5.45 pm, a virtual Autumn taster. This involves an interactive Zoom webinar and includes two fun and engaging lessons in History and French Cooking. The link for booking is here: Places are not capped for this taster.
Secondly on Friday 14 October from 9.30 - 11.30am, a Music taster aimed at Year 6 girls who are thinking of applying for a Music scholarship. This Music taster morning is a fun and engaging opportunity for young aspiring musicians to meet, chat and play music in ensembles with some of our current Music scholars. The morning is designed for instrumentalists (regretfully we cannot accommodate pianists or vocalists on this morning) who play an orchestral instrument to Grade 5 level or above. The music won’t need to be prepared in advance: girls should quite simply come along and enjoy the experience. At the end of the taster morning, parents will have the chance to hear what the group has been preparing. Attendees should bring their instruments with them. The booking link is here:
We have only 30 places for this taster.
Southwark's full list of open mornings and taster sessions is posted here:
Their full website giving various information about secondary admissions is here:
The BBC have launched a useful set of resources for parents and their children to share, all about starting secondary school, click here to link to the online pages.