Remote Learning
Your child's year group page has links and details of spellings and homework set as well as suggestions for home learning assignments and resources. If you have any queries about the work set, email the school, marking it for the attention of the class teacher, and we will respond.
A copy of our Homework Policy is posted on our School Policies page. In response to parental requests, we also attach a list of recommended text and workbooks, should you wish to do further work at home.
There are many websites and resources available to help you and your children. Assistance in accessing our subscription websites and how to use them is posted on our linked page here: Online learning links & instructional videos for all children.
At St James' we use Microsoft 365 & Teams to create documents and spreadsheets, store data and communicate in groups throughout school. Your key stage 2 child will be using this method to save work they have produced in school. All children have a M365 logon and password which can be accessed either through your browser or individual apps (for
Word, Excel and Powerpoint).
As a London Grid for Learning (LGFL) school, we have access to many learning resources covering a wide range of subjects and age groups. All of these resources work on handheld devices and personal computers. The site for these resources through your browser is:
St James' subscribes to Mathletics online service for children in years 1-6, a maths learning game that can be tailored specifically to the needs of your child; homework is often set using this service. Mathletics can be logged onto at a computer, or through a downloaded app for handheld devices:
We also use Times Table Rockstars app for KS2 children and Numbots for KS1 children (their logons are the same for both). These are apps and can be downloaded from your app store.
We subscribe to Ed Shed, using the Spelling Shed section, for children in years 1-6. You should logon to this using your browser, not the app, in order to access the full features available to us. The website is Spelling Shed.
Our LGFL subscription allows us access the app Just2easy; click on the Microsoft sign in box and use your child's Microsoft365 logon details to access. J2e has resources across all subjects and age ranges.
Our LGFL subscription also gives us full access to Busy Things through your browser. Click on the Microsoft sign in box and use your child's Microsoft365 logon details to access. Busy Things has resources across all subjects and age ranges.
We subscribe to Language Angels for children in years 2-6 to learn French and this is also a website accessed through your browser, which is Language Angels.
We subscribe to a computing and coding app called Kodable. Logon through the app, firstly with your class code (class name with no spaces) and then look for your child's name in the list.
Oxford Owls, an online book and audio reading service is a fantastic resource available to you. The site for this service is:
This site called allows you to search for apps for certain age range and subject interest and then gives a list that they have pre-checked for suitability for children.