Online Learning Links and instructional videos for all children
Every child in school has an LGFL (London Grid for Learning) username and password. At the bottom of this page there are some instructional videos on how to access J2e and many of the other applications available to you through LGFL. Attached to this page is an instruction sheet on how to access LGFL Busy Things, which we use for our Nursery, Reception and KS1 children.
The table below shows links to just some of the online resources we use at St James' for home learning; dive in and have a browse, there is a wealth of interesting projects to get immersed in. Don't forget to visit your Year Group page for individual work, news and suggestions from your teachers
Early Years: National Oak Academy resources |
Key Stage 1: National Oak Academy resources |
Key Stage 2: National Oak Academy resources |
All children: Use your LGFL My USO logon to access online resources |
KS2 children: |
Children in Early Years & KS1: Use your LGFL My USO logon to access Busy Things |
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Years 1-6: logon to Mathletics to access via the mathletics app or access through a PC browser such as Chrome. Games section will not work through a browser on an ipad or phone. | KS2 children: logon to Kodable to access work set by your teacher via the app or your PC browser | All children: logon to Microsoft 365 and access Teams & shared documents. |
Years 1 - 6 Spelling Shed: logon through browser (not app) for full functionality |
Years R - 2 - Numbots; KS2 - TTRS; same logon, through apps |
All children - logon with class code from school |
Letters and Sounds | Digital Making -resources from Raspberry Pi | BBC Bitesize |
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Natwest online learning bundles for KS1 and KS2: learning about notes, coins, money safety & savings | London Learning online from the London Mayor |
Red Cross Kindness Activities |