Key Information
Our aim at St James' is to provide all the information that our parents and prospective parents need about our school.
Below are various links to data provided online by the Department of Education:
- DfE published results at St James' is linked here;
The link on the right to 'Our School Results' also shows the achievements of students from statutory testing. - DfE attendance of pupils is linked here;
- DfE Information about the staff who work at the school is linked here;
- DfE Information about the school's financial benchmarking is linked here;
This information is also provided on the attachment below.
The dropdown menu under 'Key Information' also gives details about
- Our school vision and ethos;
- Our Admissions criteria and policy for both St James' CE Primary School and St James' Nursery;
- Our school governors - who they are and what committees they meet with to discuss the running of St James';
- A breakdown of our school results for KS1/KS2/EYFS and Phonics;
- The purpose and use of the Pupil Premium funding that is awarded to the school - how it has been spent in the past year, a plan for its' use in the coming year and also the use of PE and sport Premium funding;
- Our school policies;
- Details of our SEND provision at St James';
- St James' was inspected by Ofsted in 2019.
Their report is available by clicking here.
We are proud that their assessment is:
Ofsted, January 2019
We encourage feedback from parents; as well as using our 'Contact Us' form on the website, or simply telephoning , texting, emailing or speaking to a member of staff, the Ofsted 'Parent View' site is a chance to fill in an Ofsted survey about St James', you don't have to wait until the school is being inspected, the survey is open at any time, just click on the link below: