Newsletter - Friday 10th January 2025
It’s great to be back following the Christmas break – children have been telling us all about what they have been doing over the holidays; all seem enthused to be back and have made a great start to their Spring learning, topics and class books.
This week we all attended an Epiphany service in Church, Year 3 visited the Bermondsey Beach for a Geography field trip, 6 Leopold began their swimming lessons at Downside Fisher and Geography learning has been particularly impressive to see this week in all year groups.
Please find attached below our full newsletter together with diary dates,
a flyer for the St James' 'Messy Church' event Friday 10th January at 3.30pm,
a reminder of flu vaccination walk-in sessions and feedback from the Southwark
Streets for People consultation.
Wishing you, our children, and our whole school community a super weekend.
God bless, from the St. James’ team.
Events next week
Monday 13th
- First ‘Joy of Moving’ sessions with Millwall for ALL Year 5 and 6 Hockney – PE kits required;
- 1 Matisse visiting the Blue Anchor Library for book-swapping and story-telling.
Tuesday 14th
- 1 Rousseau visiting the Blue Anchor Library for book-swapping and story-telling.
Wednesday 15th
- 6 Leopold visit to HSBC exhibition in the city.
Thursday 16th
- Year 3 trip to the Science Museum as part of their Science learning.
Friday 17th
- Year 5 trip to the Museum of London, Docklands as part of their Geography learning;
- 6 Leopold swimming – details above;
- 2 Picasso visiting the Blue Anchor Library for book-swapping and story-telling